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Gastric Band Surgery Turkey

Gastric band surgery in Turkey presents an opportunity for individuals struggling with obesity to regain control over their health and embark on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. With its combination of affordability, quality care, and experienced professionals, Turkey continues to be a top choice for this life-changing procedure.

Gastric band surgery, also known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, is a type of weight loss surgery that involves placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch. This restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold, leading to a feeling of fullness and reduced food intake. The procedure is minimally invasive and reversible, making it a popular choice for individuals looking to achieve significant weight loss.

Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for gastric band surgery, offering high-quality medical care, experienced surgeons, and state-of-the-art facilities at a fraction of the cost compared to other countries. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about gastric band surgery in Turkey, including the procedure, benefits, risks, and what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.

Gastric band surgery is performed using a laparoscopic technique, which involves making several small incisions in the abdomen through which a laparoscope and surgical instruments are inserted. The surgeon then places the adjustable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach, creating a small pouch that can hold only a limited amount of food. The band is connected to a port under the skin, allowing the surgeon to adjust its tightness by adding or removing saline solution.

The entire procedure typically takes around 60-90 minutes to complete and is performed under general anesthesia. Most patients are able to return home the same day or within 24 hours after the surgery.

Benefits of Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric band surgery offers several benefits for individuals struggling with obesity and related health issues. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Significant Weight Loss: Patients can expect to lose a substantial amount of weight within the first year after surgery, with continued weight loss over the following years.

2. Improved Health: Weight loss resulting from gastric band surgery can lead to improvements in obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

3. Reversibility: Unlike other weight loss procedures, gastric band surgery is reversible, allowing for adjustments or removal if necessary.

4. Minimally Invasive: The laparoscopic approach results in smaller incisions, less scarring, and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.

Why Choosing Turkey for Gastric Band Surgery

Turkey has become a preferred destination for medical tourism, attracting patients from around the world seeking affordable and high-quality healthcare services. When it comes to gastric band surgery, Turkey offers several advantages:

1. Experienced Surgeons: Turkish hospitals and clinics are home to highly skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in bariatric procedures, including gastric band surgery.

2. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Many healthcare facilities in Turkey are equipped with advanced technology and adhere to international standards of patient care and safety.

3. Cost-Effective Treatment: The cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey is significantly lower than in many Western countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking affordable healthcare solutions.

4. Seamless Patient Experience: Medical tourism agencies in Turkey provide comprehensive support to international patients, including assistance with travel arrangements, accommodation, and language translation services.

Gastric Band Turkey Prices

When considering gastric band surgery in Turkey, it’s important to understand the pricing and what it includes. The cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey can vary depending on the clinic, surgeon, and the specific services provided. On average, the price for gastric band surgery in Turkey can range from 2,000 euro to 5,000 euro. This cost typically includes the pre-operative consultations, the surgery itself, post-operative care, and follow-up appointments. However, it’s important to carefully review what is included in the price quote to ensure there are no hidden fees or additional costs.

It’s important to note that the cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey may also vary based on the location of the clinic or hospital. Facilities in major cities or popular tourist destinations may have higher prices compared to those in smaller towns or less popular areas. Additionally, the reputation and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure can also impact the overall cost.

When comparing prices for gastric band surgery in Turkey, it’s essential to consider the quality of care and services offered. While it may be tempting to opt for the lowest price available, it’s crucial to prioritize the expertise and experience of the medical professionals involved. Researching the credentials of the surgeon and the accreditation of the facility can help ensure a safe and successful surgical experience.

In addition to the surgical costs, individuals considering gastric band surgery in Turkey should also factor in other expenses such as travel, accommodation, and potential additional medical tests or consultations. It’s important to budget for these additional costs to avoid any unexpected financial burdens.

Many individuals choose to undergo gastric band surgery in Turkey due to the country’s reputation for high-quality medical care, experienced surgeons, and modern facilities. Furthermore, the opportunity to combine medical treatment with a vacation in a beautiful and culturally rich country can be an attractive option for many patients.

Before making a decision about gastric band surgery in Turkey, it’s advisable to consult with a medical professional to discuss individual health needs, potential risks, and expected outcomes. Additionally, researching different clinics and surgeons, reading patient reviews, and seeking recommendations from trusted sources can help make an informed decision.

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Bypass

Gastric Balloon

Gastric Band




































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    Gastric Band Surgery Risks and Considerations

    While gastric band surgery is generally considered safe, it is important for patients to be aware of potential risks and considerations associated with the procedure. Some of these include:

    1. Band Slippage or Erosion: In some cases, the gastric band may slip out of place or erode into the stomach tissue, requiring additional surgery to reposition or remove the band.

    2. Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection at the incision sites or around the port used to adjust the band.

    3. Adjustments and Follow-Up Care: Patients will need regular follow-up appointments for band adjustments and monitoring of weight loss progress.

    4. Lifestyle Changes: Gastric band surgery requires significant changes in diet and lifestyle to ensure long-term success and minimize potential complications.

    Gastric Band Surgery Before the Surgery

    Prior to undergoing gastric band surgery in Turkey, patients will typically undergo a thorough evaluation to determine their candidacy for the procedure. This may include:

    1. Medical Assessment: A comprehensive medical history review and physical examination to assess overall health and identify any potential risk factors.

    2. Psychological Evaluation: An assessment by a mental health professional to ensure that patients have realistic expectations and are prepared for the lifestyle changes associated with the surgery.

    3. Nutritional Counseling: Guidance from a registered dietitian to understand pre-operative dietary requirements and post-operative nutritional guidelines.

    4. Preparatory Tests: Blood tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic tests to assess organ function and identify any underlying health conditions.

    During the Gastric Band Surgery

    On the day of the surgery, patients will be admitted to the hospital or surgical facility and prepared for the procedure. This may involve:

    1. Preoperative Instructions: Patients will receive specific instructions regarding fasting, medication management, and other preoperative preparations.

    2. Anesthesia Administration: General anesthesia will be administered by an anesthesiologist to ensure that patients are comfortable and pain-free throughout the surgery.

    3. Surgical Procedure: The surgeon will perform the laparoscopic gastric band placement according to the predetermined surgical plan.

    4. Recovery and Monitoring: After the surgery, patients will be closely monitored in the recovery area before being transferred to their room for further observation.

    After the Gastric Band Surgery

    Following gastric band surgery, patients will require ongoing support and follow-up care to ensure a successful recovery and long-term weight loss. This may include:

    1. Postoperative Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgical team to assess healing, adjust the band as needed, and monitor weight loss progress.

    2. Dietary Guidance: Working with a dietitian to transition from liquid to solid foods and establish healthy eating habits that support weight loss and overall well-being.

    3. Physical Activity: Gradually incorporating physical activity into daily routines to enhance weight loss results and improve fitness levels.

    4. Support Networks: Engaging with support groups or seeking individual counseling to address emotional and psychological aspects of weight loss and lifestyle changes.

    Gastric band surgery in Turkey offers a safe and effective solution for individuals struggling with obesity and its associated health challenges. With its skilled surgeons, modern facilities, and affordable treatment options, Turkey has established itself as a leading destination for bariatric procedures, attracting patients from across the globe.

    What is Gastric Band Surgery?

    Gastric band surgery is a type of weight loss surgery. It is minimally invasive and is sometimes referred to as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.
    This surgery involves placing an adjustable band around the upper part of the stomach. The band created a pouch.

    It could only hold a small quantity of food. This gave people a feeling of being full and reduced their appetite. The band can be adjusted to increase or decrease the size of the pouch, depending on the patient’s needs.

    Gastric band surgery, also known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, is a type of weight loss surgery that involves placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach. This creates a small pouch that can hold only a small amount of food, which in turn helps the patient feel full more quickly and eat less. The procedure is typically performed using minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopy, which involves making small incisions in the abdomen and using a tiny camera and specialized instruments to perform the surgery. This approach generally results in less pain, shorter recovery time, and fewer complications compared to traditional open surgery. Gastric band surgery is considered a relatively safe and reversible option for weight loss, and it is often recommended for individuals who have not been successful with other weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise, or who have obesity-related health problems.

    Is Gastric Band Surgery Safe in Turkey?

    Turkey is a popular destination for medical tourism, including weight loss surgeries like gastric band surgery. The country has a well-developed healthcare system with highly trained and experienced medical professionals. Gastric band surgery in Turkey is generally considered safe, as long as it is performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon.

    It’s important to choose a reputable hospital or clinic that follows strict safety protocols and uses the latest technology. Disclose your full medical history and any underlying health conditions to your surgeon before the procedure. This will ensure it is safe for you to undergo surgery. You should make sure to do this.

    Gastric band surgery, also known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, is a type of weight loss surgery that involves placing a band around the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch. This restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, leading to weight loss. Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism, including gastric band surgery. But is gastric band surgery safe in Turkey?

    When considering any type of surgery, safety is of utmost importance. It’s essential to thoroughly research the procedure and the healthcare providers offering it. In the case of gastric band surgery in Turkey, there are several factors to consider when evaluating its safety.

    First and foremost, it’s crucial to ensure that the healthcare facility where the surgery will take place is reputable and meets international standards. Turkey is home to many world-class hospitals and medical centers that adhere to strict regulations and guidelines. When choosing a facility for gastric band surgery, it’s important to look for accreditation from international organizations such as the Joint Commission International (JCI). This accreditation ensures that the facility has met rigorous standards for patient care and safety.

    In addition to the facility itself, the qualifications and experience of the medical team performing the surgery are paramount. Patients considering gastric band surgery in Turkey should research the surgeons’ credentials, including their education, training, and experience with the procedure. Look for surgeons who are board-certified and have a proven track record of successful outcomes with gastric band surgery.

    Another important aspect of safety to consider is the pre-operative evaluation process. A thorough assessment should be conducted to ensure that patients are suitable candidates for gastric band surgery. This includes a comprehensive medical history review, physical examination, and possibly additional tests or consultations with specialists. The purpose of this evaluation is to identify any potential risks or contraindications for the surgery and to ensure that patients are well-informed about what to expect.

    Furthermore, the post-operative care and support provided by the healthcare facility are critical for ensuring the safety and success of gastric band surgery. Patients should inquire about the follow-up care plan, including post-operative appointments, dietary guidance, and access to support services such as nutrition counseling or psychological support. Adequate post-operative care is essential for monitoring progress, addressing any complications that may arise, and helping patients adapt to their new lifestyle after gastric band surgery.

    You can reach us 24/7 for your questions via Obesity Information Line

    Here Our Gastric Band Surgery Reviews:

    Here are some before- after photos of Gastric band in Turkey. These photos will give you information about the success of the surgery.

    Gastric Band Turkey Package Options

    Gastric band surgery, also known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, is a popular weight loss procedure that involves placing a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach to create a smaller stomach pouch. This restricts the amount of food that can be consumed, leading to reduced calorie intake and ultimately weight loss. Turkey has become a popular destination for individuals seeking affordable and high-quality gastric band surgery, offering various package options to cater to the diverse needs of patients.

    One of the package options available for gastric band surgery in Turkey includes a comprehensive pre-operative assessment to evaluate the patient’s suitability for the procedure. This assessment typically involves medical examinations, laboratory tests, and consultations with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including a bariatric surgeon, nutritionist, and psychologist. The purpose of this thorough evaluation is to ensure that the patient is well-informed about the surgery, mentally prepared for the lifestyle changes it entails, and physically fit to undergo the procedure.

    In addition to the pre-operative assessment, gastric band surgery packages in Turkey often include the surgical procedure itself, which is performed using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. This approach involves making small incisions in the abdomen through which a laparoscope and surgical instruments are inserted, allowing the surgeon to place the gastric band around the stomach without the need for a large incision. This results in less post-operative pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery compared to traditional open surgery.

    Furthermore, post-operative care is an essential component of gastric band surgery packages in Turkey. Patients can expect to receive follow-up consultations with their bariatric surgeon and other healthcare professionals to monitor their progress, address any concerns or complications, and receive guidance on dietary and lifestyle modifications. This ongoing support is crucial for ensuring the long-term success of the surgery and helping patients adapt to their new eating habits and weight loss journey.

    Another important aspect of gastric band surgery packages in Turkey is the inclusion of accommodation and transportation services for international patients. Many hospitals and medical facilities in Turkey offer assistance with travel arrangements, airport transfers, and comfortable accommodation options to ensure that patients have a stress-free and convenient experience during their stay for surgery and recovery.

    Moreover, some package options may also cover additional services such as post-operative physiotherapy, dietary counseling, and access to support groups or online resources for continued motivation and guidance. These supplementary services are designed to help patients make sustainable lifestyle changes, manage their weight loss effectively, and address any challenges they may encounter along the way.


    £ 3000 operation

    Pre-Op Examinations
    Sleeve Gastrectomy Weight-Loss Surgery
    Medication and Diet Plan
    7-8 Night Accommodation
    Post-Op Support & Counselling
    VIP Transportation


    £ 2150 operation

    Endoscopic Insertion of the Balloon
    6/12 Month Gastric Balloon
    Diet Plan
    2 Night Hotel Accommodation
    Post-Op Support & Counselling
    VIP Transportation


    £ 3750 operation

    Pre-Op Examinations
    Gastric Bypass Surgery
    Medication and Diet Plan
    7-8 Night Accommodation
    Post-Op Support & Counselling
    VIP Transportation

    Gastric Band Surgery Procedure in Turkey

    The gastric band surgery procedure in Turkey typically takes around 60-90 minutes to complete. The surgeon will create multiple tiny cuts in the abdomen. They will then insert a laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera affixed.
    This will help to guide the surgery. The adjustable band is then placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a small pouch.

    The band is connected to a port that is placed under the skin of the abdomen. This port allows the surgeon to adjust the size of the band by adding or removing saline solution. The size of the pouch can be adjusted according to the patient’s weight loss progress and individual needs.

    Gastric Band Turkey Packages

    Gastric band surgery in Turkey is an affordable weight loss solution. This is in comparison to many other countries, such as the US and the UK. Many hospitals and clinics in Turkey offer gastric band surgery packages that include the procedure, transportation, and accommodation.

    The packages may also include additional services such as airport transfers, consultation fees, and post-operative care. It’s important to research and compare different packages to find the best one for your needs and budget. Some packages may be cheaper but may compromise on the quality of care or the experience of the medical professionals.

    Gastric Band Surgery Turkey Reviews

    Before deciding to undergo gastric band surgery in Turkey, it’s important to read reviews and feedback from other patients who have undergone the procedure. You can find reviews online on various websites and forums, including social media platforms.

    Reviews can help you understand the quality of care, the proficiency of medical staff, and the satisfaction of patients.

    This information can help you make an informed decision. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience may be different, and reviews should be taken with a grain of salt.

    Gastric Band Surgery Turkey Reviews

    Gastric Band Side Effects

    A gastric band is a surgical device that is placed around the upper part of the stomach to limit the amount of food it can hold, thus helping people lose weight. While it can be an effective weight loss tool, there are several potential side effects associated with the procedure.

    These may include nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, difficulty swallowing, and abdominal pain.
    In some cases, the gastric band may slip out of place or erode into the stomach, requiring additional surgery to correct. It is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits of gastric band surgery and discuss any concerns with a qualified healthcare provider.

    Gastric Sleeve vs Gastric Band

    Gastric sleeve and gastric band are two types of weight loss surgeries that can help people achieve significant weight loss.
    Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing a large portion of the stomach, leaving a small, banana-shaped section. This decreases the food intake.

    It also reduces the production of hunger hormones. As a result, appetite decreases and feelings of fullness increase. Gastric sleeve surgery is a permanent procedure, and generally has a lower risk of complications than other types of weight loss surgeries.

    Gastric band surgery involves placing a band around the upper part of the stomach. This band creates a small pouch. This pouch limits the amount of food that can be consumed.
    Unlike gastric sleeve surgery, gastric band surgery is reversible and can be adjusted or removed if necessary. This type of procedure may require more frequent follow-up appointments for band adjustments. It also carries a higher risk of complications, such as band slippage or erosion.

    Both gastric sleeve and gastric band surgeries have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two should be based on individual needs and preferences. A qualified healthcare provider can help assess the best option for each person.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Gastric Band

    The cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey varies depending on the hospital or clinic you choose and the specific details of your procedure. However, on average, the cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey ranges from $4,000 to $6,000.
    Gastric band surgery is generally considered safe, but as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications. Choosing a reputable hospital or clinic with experienced and qualified surgeons can help reduce the risk of complications. Before undergoing surgery, it’s important to discuss any concerns you have with your surgeon and ask about their experience and success rates.
    The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey varies depending on the hospital or clinic you choose and the specific details of your procedure. However, on average, the cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey ranges from $5,000 to $8,000.
    Gastric bands are designed to be permanent, but they can be removed or adjusted if necessary. The lifespan of a gastric band depends on several factors, including the patient’s overall health, their adherence to post-surgery guidelines, and any complications that may arise.
    Yes, you can still eat with a gastric band, but the amount and type of food you can eat will be restricted. Gastric bands work by reducing the size of your stomach, so you’ll feel full more quickly and eat less. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s guidelines for post-surgery eating and to choose nutrient-dense foods that will provide your body with the necessary nutrients.
    After gastric band surgery, it’s important to avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, or calories. You should also avoid carbonated beverages, as they can cause discomfort and potentially damage the band. Some specific foods to avoid include fried foods, sugary snacks, and alcohol.
    Yes, you can fly with a gastric band. However, you may need to make some adjustments to your eating and drinking habits while traveling. It’s important to stay hydrated during the flight and avoid carbonated beverages and high-fat foods that can cause discomfort.

    You can reach us 24/7 for your questions via Obesity Information Line

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