What is a gastric balloon? How long does the gastric balloon last? How painful is a gastric balloon? How many kg can you lose with gastric balloon? Is gastric balloon safe? A gastric balloon is a non-surgical, temporary weight loss treatment that involves inserting a deflated balloon into the stomach and then inflating it to create a feeling of fullness. This procedure is often recommended for individuals who are struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. The gastric balloon is typically left in place for a period of six months, during which time it helps patients to feel full more quickly and eat smaller portions. The exact duration of the balloon's placement can vary depending on the specific type of balloon used and the individual patient's needs.

The insertion of the gastric balloon is usually performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require general anesthesia. However, some patients may experience discomfort or nausea during the initial days after the balloon is inserted. This discomfort typically subsides as the body adjusts to the presence of the balloon. The amount of weight that can be lost with a gastric balloon varies from person to person and depends on factors such as diet, exercise, and individual metabolism. On average, patients can expect to lose between 10-15% of their total body weight during the six months that the balloon is in place.

While the gastric balloon is generally considered safe, there are potential risks and side effects associated with the procedure. These can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and in rare cases, balloon deflation or migration. It's important for individuals considering a gastric balloon to discuss the potential risks and benefits with a qualified healthcare provider before making a decision. Additionally, patients are typically advised to follow a medically supervised diet and exercise program while the balloon is in place to maximize their weight loss results and minimize potential complications.

Table of Contents

    What is a Gastric Balloon?

    What is a gastric balloon? Are you struggling to shed those extra pounds and looking for a non-surgical weight loss solution? Look no further than the gastric balloon. This innovative procedure is gaining popularity as a safe and effective way to achieve significant weight loss. But what exactly is a gastric balloon?

    A gastric balloon is a soft, inflatable device that is inserted into your stomach to limit its capacity, making you feel full and satisfied with smaller portions of food. The procedure is minimally invasive and does not involve any incisions or sutures. Instead, the deflated balloon is inserted through your mouth and into your stomach using an endoscope. Once in place, it is filled with a sterile saline solution.

    A gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon, is a non-surgical, temporary weight loss device that is placed in the stomach to help individuals lose weight. The balloon is typically inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscope, a flexible tube with a light and camera attached. Once inside the stomach, the balloon is inflated with either saline solution or gas, which takes up space in the stomach and creates a feeling of fullness.

    The primary goal of a gastric balloon is to reduce the amount of food a person can eat, leading to a decrease in calorie intake and ultimately weight loss. The balloon remains in the stomach for a period of six months to one year, during which time it is intended to assist individuals in developing healthier eating habits and making lifestyle changes to support long-term weight management.

    Gastric balloons are often recommended for individuals who are significantly overweight or obese and have struggled to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. They may be used as a temporary measure to kickstart weight loss and improve overall health before considering more invasive weight loss procedures, such as gastric bypass surgery or gastric sleeve surgery.

    One of the key benefits of a gastric balloon is that it is minimally invasive and does not require surgery. This means that it can be a suitable option for individuals who are not good candidates for surgical weight loss procedures or who prefer to avoid surgery altogether. Additionally, because the balloon is temporary, it provides an opportunity for individuals to experience the effects of weight loss without making a permanent commitment to a surgical procedure. While gastric balloons can be effective for some individuals, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution for weight loss. It is important for individuals considering a gastric balloon to understand that it is not a standalone treatment for obesity, but rather a tool that should be used in conjunction with a comprehensive weight loss program. This program may include nutritional counseling, exercise guidance, and ongoing support to help individuals make lasting lifestyle changes.

    As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with gastric balloons. These may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and discomfort. In some cases, the balloon may deflate or migrate within the stomach, requiring removal or repositioning. It is important for individuals considering a gastric balloon to discuss the potential risks and benefits with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully weigh their options before proceeding.

    You can reach us 24/7 for your questions via Obesity Information Line

    How does a Gastric Balloon Work?

    The gastric balloon stays in your stomach for a set period, usually around six months, during which time it aids in weight loss by reducing hunger and helping you develop healthier eating habits. It also provides a powerful tool for jumpstarting long-term weight management. With regular exercise and a balanced diet, the gastric balloon can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

    A gastric balloon is a non-surgical, temporary weight loss treatment that involves placing a deflated balloon into the stomach, which is then inflated to create a feeling of fullness and reduce hunger. The procedure is typically performed under sedation and involves inserting the deflated balloon into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscope. Once in place, the balloon is filled with a sterile saline solution, taking up space in the stomach and creating a feeling of fullness. This can help patients to eat smaller portions and feel satisfied with less food, ultimately leading to weight loss.

    The gastric balloon works by physically occupying space in the stomach, which reduces the amount of food that can be consumed at one time. This can lead to a decrease in calorie intake and promote weight loss. Additionally, the presence of the balloon can stimulate the nerves in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness and reduced appetite. The balloon is typically left in place for a period of six months, during which time patients work with a healthcare team to make lifestyle changes and develop healthy eating habits.

    It's important to note that the gastric balloon is not a stand-alone solution for weight loss, but rather a tool to support a comprehensive weight loss program that includes diet, exercise, and behavior modification. The balloon is intended for individuals who have struggled to lose weight through traditional methods and may be a good option for those who are not candidates for weight loss surgery.

    After six months, the balloon is deflated and removed through the mouth using an endoscope. Following removal, patients continue to work with their healthcare team to maintain their weight loss and make sustainable lifestyle changes. It's important to understand that while the gastric balloon can be an effective tool for weight loss, it is not a permanent solution, and long-term success requires ongoing commitment to healthy habits. As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with the gastric balloon, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and acid reflux. It's important for individuals considering this treatment to thoroughly discuss the potential benefits and risks with a qualified healthcare provider.

    Benefits of Using a Gastric Balloon

    The benefits of using a gastric balloon go beyond just weight loss. Firstly, it is a non-surgical procedure, which means it does not involve any incisions or sutures. This makes it a safer alternative to invasive weight loss surgeries. Additionally, the gastric balloon is reversible, meaning it can be removed at any time if needed. This makes it a suitable option for individuals who want a temporary solution for weight loss or those who are unsure about committing to a permanent procedure. Another benefit of the gastric balloon is that it requires minimal downtime. Most patients can resume their normal activities within a day or two after the procedure.

    Furthermore, the gastric balloon is a highly effective weight loss tool. Studies have shown that individuals who undergo gastric balloon treatment can lose an average of 10-15% of their body weight within the first six months. This rapid initial weight loss can provide the motivation and momentum needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle and continue shedding pounds even after the balloon is removed. The gastric balloon also helps in reducing the risk of obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

    Using a gastric balloon can offer several benefits for individuals looking to lose weight and improve their overall health. One of the key advantages of using a gastric balloon is its non-invasive nature. Unlike traditional weight loss surgeries, such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, the placement of a gastric balloon does not require any incisions or alterations to the digestive system. This means that the procedure is generally associated with fewer risks and complications, and typically involves a shorter recovery time.

    Additionally, the use of a gastric balloon can help individuals achieve significant weight loss in a relatively short period of time. The balloon works by occupying space in the stomach, which can lead to feelings of fullness and reduced appetite. This can make it easier for individuals to adhere to a reduced-calorie diet and establish healthier eating habits. As a result, many people experience rapid and noticeable weight loss during the time that the balloon is in place.

    Another benefit of using a gastric balloon is its temporary nature. Unlike permanent weight loss procedures, the balloon is designed to be removed after a certain period of time, typically six months. This means that individuals do not have to make a lifelong commitment to the device, and can return to their normal eating habits once it has been removed. This can be particularly appealing for individuals who are hesitant to undergo permanent surgical interventions for weight loss.

    In addition to promoting weight loss, the use of a gastric balloon can also have positive effects on overall health. Many individuals who undergo gastric balloon placement experience improvements in obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea. By achieving significant weight loss and adopting healthier lifestyle habits, individuals may be able to reduce their reliance on medications and improve their long-term health outcomes.

    Furthermore, the use of a gastric balloon can provide valuable support and motivation for individuals who are struggling to lose weight on their own. The device serves as a tool to help individuals jumpstart their weight loss journey and develop sustainable habits for long-term success. Many people find that the initial success they achieve with the gastric balloon provides them with the confidence and momentum they need to continue making positive changes even after the device has been removed.

    It is important to note that while the use of a gastric balloon can offer many benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. Individuals considering this option should consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if they are good candidates for the procedure. Additionally, it is important for individuals to understand that the gastric balloon is not a standalone solution for weight loss, and that long-term success requires ongoing commitment to healthy eating and regular physical activity.

    Types of Gastric Balloons

    There are several types of gastric balloons available in the market, each with its own unique characteristics. The most commonly used gastric balloon is the saline-filled balloon. This type of balloon is filled with a sterile saline solution and has been proven to be safe and effective in promoting weight loss. Another type of gastric balloon is the gas-filled balloon, which is inflated with a gas such as carbon dioxide. Gas-filled balloons are generally smaller in size and are preferred by individuals with smaller stomachs or those who have had previous gastric surgeries. Some newer types of gastric balloons are also available, such as those filled with a gel-like substance or those that can be adjusted in size.

    Gastric balloons are a non-surgical, temporary weight loss solution for individuals who are struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. These balloons are inserted into the stomach and filled with saline to create a feeling of fullness, helping patients eat smaller portions and lose weight. There are several types of gastric balloons available, each with its own unique features and benefits. In this article, we will explore the different types of gastric balloons and their suitability for different patients.

    1. Orbera Gastric Balloon: The Orbera gastric balloon is one of the most popular options for weight loss. It is a soft, silicone balloon that is inserted into the stomach through the mouth using an endoscope. Once in place, it is filled with saline to occupy space in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness. The Orbera balloon is designed to remain in the stomach for up to 6 months, during which time patients can expect to lose a significant amount of weight.

    2. Reshape Duo Gastric Balloon: The Reshape Duo gastric balloon is unique in that it consists of two connected balloons, rather than a single one. This design allows for better distribution of the balloons within the stomach, leading to improved tolerance and reduced risk of migration. The Reshape Duo balloon is also filled with saline and remains in the stomach for up to 6 months. It is often recommended for patients who have a higher BMI and need to lose a substantial amount of weight.

    3. Obalon Gastric Balloon: The Obalon gastric balloon system is the first and only swallowable gastric balloon. Instead of being inserted through an endoscope, the Obalon balloons are swallowed in the form of a capsule and then inflated once they reach the stomach. This makes the insertion process much simpler and more comfortable for patients. The Obalon system consists of three balloons, each of which is swallowed separately over a period of 3 months. This gradual approach allows for a more gradual weight loss process.

    4. Spatz3 Adjustable Gastric Balloon: The Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon is unique in that it can be filled with different amounts of saline to adjust the size of the balloon according to the patient's needs. This feature allows for a more customized approach to weight loss, as the balloon can be adjusted to optimize the feeling of fullness while minimizing discomfort. The Spatz3 balloon can remain in the stomach for up to 12 months, making it suitable for patients who require a longer-term solution for weight loss.

    5. Elipse Gastric Balloon: The Elipse gastric balloon is another swallowable option that does not require any endoscopy or anesthesia for insertion. Once swallowed, the Elipse balloon is filled with a specific amount of liquid, then a small catheter is attached to remove the filling device. This innovative design allows for a completely non-invasive and comfortable experience for patients. The Elipse balloon remains in the stomach for approximately 4 months and is then excreted naturally.

    Gastric Balloon vs. Other Weight Loss Procedures

    The gastric balloon is just one of the many weight loss procedures available today. Each procedure has its own advantages and considerations, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and goals. One of the main advantages of the gastric balloon is that it is a non-surgical procedure, which means it is less invasive and carries fewer risks compared to surgical options such as gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy. Additionally, the gastric balloon is reversible, which provides flexibility for individuals who may want a temporary solution or who are unsure about committing to a permanent procedure.

    Success Stories and Testimonials of Gastric Balloon Users

    Countless individuals have achieved significant weight loss and improved their overall health with the help of gastric balloons. Success stories and testimonials from gastric balloon users can provide inspiration and motivation for those considering the procedure. These stories often highlight the transformative effects of the gastric balloon, not only in terms of weight loss but also in terms of improved self-confidence, increased energy levels, and enhanced quality of life. Hearing firsthand accounts of individuals who have successfully achieved their weight loss goals with the gastric balloon can help alleviate any concerns or doubts you may have.

    Eligibility Criteria for Getting a Gastric Balloon

    Not everyone is eligible for the gastric balloon procedure. The eligibility criteria may vary depending on the specific requirements of the healthcare provider or the country you are in. However, in general, candidates for the gastric balloon should have a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40 and should have tried other weight loss methods without success. It is also important to undergo a thorough medical evaluation to ensure that you are in good health and do not have any underlying medical conditions that may interfere with the procedure or its effectiveness.

    Procedure for Getting a Gastric Balloon

    The procedure for getting a gastric balloon typically involves several steps. First, you will have a consultation with a healthcare provider specializing in weight loss procedures. During this consultation, your medical history will be reviewed, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions or express any concerns you may have. If you are deemed eligible for the gastric balloon, a date for the procedure will be scheduled.

    On the day of the procedure, you will be given a mild sedative to help you relax. An endoscope, a long, flexible tube with a camera attached to it, will be inserted through your mouth and into your stomach. The deflated balloon will then be guided through the endoscope and into your stomach. Once in place, the balloon will be filled with a sterile saline solution. The entire procedure usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes, and you will be able to go home the same day.

    Potential Risks and Side Effects of Gastric Balloons

    As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with gastric balloons. The most common side effects include nausea, vomiting, and stomach discomfort, which usually subside within a few days. Some individuals may also experience acid reflux or heartburn during the first few days after the procedure. In rare cases, complications such as balloon deflation, balloon migration, or bowel obstruction may occur. It is important to closely follow your healthcare provider's instructions and report any unusual symptoms or side effects immediately.

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    Gastric Balloon

    All Inclusive Packages

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    Is a Gastric Balloon Right for You?

    If you are struggling with weight loss and are looking for a non-surgical, effective solution, the gastric balloon may be the right choice for you. With its ability to reduce hunger, promote healthier eating habits, and jumpstart long-term weight management, the gastric balloon offers a powerful tool for achieving sustainable weight loss. However, it is important to thoroughly research and consult with a healthcare provider to determine if the gastric balloon is suitable for your specific needs and goals. Remember, weight loss is a journey, and finding the right path for you is the key to success.

    How long does the gastric balloon last?

    How long does the gastric balloon last? The gastric balloon, also known as the intragastric balloon, is a non-surgical weight loss option that involves placing a deflated balloon into the stomach and then inflating it to create a feeling of fullness. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals who have been unsuccessful with traditional weight loss methods such as diet and exercise.

    The gastric balloon is designed to be a temporary measure to assist with weight loss efforts. The length of time the gastric balloon remains in the stomach can vary depending on the type of balloon used and the individual patient's needs. In general, gastric balloons are intended to be in place for a period of six months.

    During this time, patients work closely with a healthcare team to make lifestyle changes that will support long-term weight management. This may include dietary counseling, exercise recommendations, and ongoing support to help patients develop healthy habits that will contribute to sustained weight loss after the balloon is removed.

    After the initial six-month period, the gastric balloon is deflated and removed through an outpatient endoscopic procedure. Following removal, patients continue to work with their healthcare team to maintain their weight loss progress and prevent regain. It's important to note that the gastric balloon is not a permanent solution for weight loss. While it can be an effective tool to jumpstart weight loss efforts, it is crucial for individuals to commit to making lasting lifestyle changes in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. As with any medical procedure, individuals considering the gastric balloon should consult with a healthcare provider to determine if it is an appropriate option for their specific needs and goals.

    How painful is a gastric balloon?

    How painful is a gastric balloon? A gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon, is a non-surgical, temporary weight loss treatment option for individuals who are struggling with obesity. The procedure involves inserting a deflated balloon into the stomach and then inflating it with either saline solution or air, which creates a feeling of fullness and reduces the amount of food a person can eat. While the insertion of a gastric balloon is generally considered to be a minimally invasive procedure, it is not without potential side effects and discomfort.

    One of the common concerns associated with a gastric balloon is the level of discomfort or pain that a patient may experience during and after the insertion process. It is important to note that the level of pain experienced can vary from person to person, and some individuals may report minimal discomfort while others may experience more significant levels of pain.

    During the insertion of the gastric balloon, patients are typically placed under sedation or general anesthesia to minimize any discomfort. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to experience some level of discomfort, such as throat irritation or minor abdominal pain, as a result of the insertion process. This discomfort is often temporary and can be managed with pain medication prescribed by the healthcare provider. After the gastric balloon is in place, some patients may continue to experience discomfort, particularly during the initial days or weeks as the body adjusts to the presence of the balloon in the stomach. Common side effects that can contribute to discomfort include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and feelings of fullness. These symptoms are often temporary and tend to improve as the body adapts to the presence of the balloon.

    It is important for individuals considering a gastric balloon procedure to have realistic expectations about the potential discomfort or pain that may be associated with the treatment. While discomfort is possible, many patients find that any initial pain or discomfort is outweighed by the potential benefits of significant weight loss and improvements in overall health. As with any medical procedure, it is essential for individuals to discuss their concerns about pain or discomfort with their healthcare provider. A qualified healthcare professional can provide personalized information about what to expect during and after the insertion of a gastric balloon, as well as offer guidance on managing any discomfort that may arise. Additionally, patients should be diligent about following post-procedural care instructions provided by their healthcare team to minimize the risk of complications and ensure a successful outcome.

    How many kg can you lose with gastric balloon?

    How many kg can you lose with gastric balloon? Gastric balloon, also known as intragastric balloon, is a non-surgical weight loss procedure that involves placing a deflated balloon into the stomach and then inflating it to reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40 and have been unsuccessful with other weight loss methods.

    The amount of weight that can be lost with a gastric balloon varies from person to person. On average, individuals can expect to lose between 10-15% of their total body weight within the first six months of having the gastric balloon inserted. This can translate to approximately 10-30 kg (22-66 lbs) of weight loss, although some individuals may experience more or less weight loss depending on their individual circumstances.

    It's important to note that the amount of weight lost with a gastric balloon is not solely determined by the device itself, but also by the individual's commitment to making healthy lifestyle changes. In addition to having the balloon inserted, individuals are typically advised to follow a medically supervised diet and exercise program to maximize their weight loss results. Furthermore, the gastric balloon is a temporary weight loss solution and is typically removed after six months. Therefore, it's important for individuals to continue following a healthy diet and exercise regimen even after the balloon is removed in order to maintain their weight loss results.

    Is gastric balloon safe?

    Is gastric balloon safe? Gastric balloon is considered a safe and effective non-surgical weight loss option for individuals who are struggling to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. The procedure involves the insertion of a deflated balloon into the stomach, which is then inflated to reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold. This leads to a feeling of fullness and helps individuals eat smaller portions, ultimately leading to weight loss.

    While gastric balloon is generally considered safe, there are some potential risks and complications associated with the procedure. These can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and in rare cases, balloon deflation or migration. It's important for individuals considering a gastric balloon to be aware of these potential risks and to discuss them with their healthcare provider before proceeding with the procedure. It's also important to note that gastric balloon is not suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical conditions or a history of gastrointestinal issues may not be good candidates for the procedure. Additionally, the success of gastric balloon as a weight loss tool depends on the individual's commitment to making healthy lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise.



    “An exceptional experience from start to end! Prof H. Erdem, doctors,nurses,nutritionists, dieticians, co-ordinaters and all the rest of the staff are simply amazing. They attend patients with patience and give attention to every query they have.Their lovely smiles and warmth was more then enough to make my stay an exceptional one. Now I look forward to the weightloss journey with their professional guidance. Heartfelt thanks to all! Will surely recommend.”

    Careen L.
    Careen L.

    “Very good before and aftercare. Lots of pre and post op information and support. Team were responsive to any issues that arose and made me feel safe. Each day that I was in hospital the team came to check on me (sometimes 3 times in a day), in addition to the core checks by the nurses. Pre and post op I was put in a WhatsApp group with the surgical team for additional and personal support. There was also a group for other post surgery people to support and uplift each other. Dr Hasan and team gave me such care that without reservation I give my recommendation. Even now 3 years later, I'm still having messages of support and encouragement from the patient liaison Tugce.”

    Leanne H.
    Leanne H.

    “I have just returned from having a gastric sleeve. I cannot fault the care and service I've had from the whole team at Dr. HE obesity clinic. I was given all the information I needed before I went and all my questions were answered, no matter what time I messaged. When I arrived at the hospital everyone was so friendly and caring. The hospital was clean and hygienic. My room was cleaned every day while I was there. I felt listened too and cared for throughout my stay. Everyone is so helpful. Another positive is they are there for you when you return back to the UK, to answer any questions you may have and support you when needed. Excellent service all round.”

    Sarah J.
    Sarah J.

    "After struggling with my weight for years, I decided to try the Allurion Balloon at GST Clinic in Turkey. The cost was much more affordable than back home, and the care I received was top-notch. From the moment I arrived, the team made me feel comfortable and informed. Three months later, I've lost a significant amount of weight and feel fantastic. I highly recommend the Allurion Gastric Balloon treatment here!"

    Michael A.
    Michael A.

    "I had my Allurion Gastric Balloon placed at GST Clinic, and it was the best decision I ever made. The procedure was quick, and there was no downtime. The staff were incredibly supportive, providing me with all the guidance I needed for a successful treatment. The cost was transparent, and there were no hidden fees. It’s been a life-changing experience!"

    Emily T.
    Emily T.

    "Choosing the Allurion Balloon from GST Clinic was a pivotal moment in my weight loss journey. The cost of the Allurion Balloon in Turkey was reasonable, and the service at the clinic was exceptional. They provided a comprehensive package that included follow-up care and nutritional advice, which really helped me make the most out of the 16 weeks with the balloon."

    David P.
    David P.

    "The Allurion Balloon cost in Turkey at GST Clinic was worth every penny. The team not only helped me with the medical procedure but also supported me emotionally throughout my journey. Losing weight has never felt this manageable, and I have GST Clinic to thank for this new lease on life."

    Olivia G.
    Olivia G.

    "My experience with the Allurion Balloon at GST Clinic was nothing short of amazing. The staff were professional and caring, and the price of the treatment was clear from the start. The balloon helped me control my eating habits, and I saw results faster than I anticipated. I would definitely recommend GST Clinic to anyone considering the Allurion Balloon in Turkey."


    Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Balloon at GST Clinic


     A gastric balloon is a non-surgical weight loss device inserted into the stomach via endoscopy. Once in place, it is filled with saline to occupy space in the stomach, helping you feel full faster and reducing your overall food intake.

    The gastric balloon typically lasts for six months. After this period, it is removed endoscopically. Some newer types, like the 12-month gastric balloon, can remain in place for up to a year.

    The procedure to place a gastric balloon is generally well-tolerated and performed under sedation. Some patients may experience mild discomfort, nausea, or a feeling of fullness initially, but these symptoms usually subside within a few days.

     On average, patients can expect to lose between 10 to 20 kg during the six months that the balloon is in place. The exact amount of weight loss varies depending on individual adherence to dietary and lifestyle changes.

     Ideal candidates for a gastric balloon are individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 27 and 40 who have not been able to achieve significant weight loss through diet and exercise alone. A consultation at GST Clinic can help determine if this treatment is right for you.

    After getting a gastric balloon, patients need to follow a specific diet plan starting with liquids and gradually moving to solid foods. It is crucial to avoid high-calorie, sugary, and fatty foods to achieve the best results. GST Clinic provides detailed dietary guidelines.

    Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and a feeling of fullness. These symptoms usually improve within a few days. Serious complications are rare, but GST Clinic ensures all patients are closely monitored.

     The gastric balloon is removed endoscopically under sedation. The procedure involves deflating the balloon and extracting it through the mouth, similar to its insertion process.

    Yes, exercising is encouraged with a gastric balloon. Physical activity, combined with dietary changes, can enhance weight loss results and improve overall health. GST Clinic provides personalized exercise recommendations.

    GST Clinic offers comprehensive follow-up care, including regular check-ups, nutritional counselling, and support groups to help patients achieve and maintain their weight loss goals. This support ensures the best possible outcomes from the gastric balloon procedure.

    You can reach us 24/7 for your questions via Obesity Information Line